Bright Stars • Bright Future

Learn Anywhere Anytime

Educational software where the Application (App) provides multisensory experiences, interaction, positive reinforcement, individualized instruction, and repetition can be useful in cognitive and skill building. It can support individual with special needs in their learning, improve their self-esteem and confident in their skills and abilities.

Where Design Meets Development

Multiple areas of development

Develop in a variety of areas including fine motor skills, communication integration, basic work skills, social and interpersonal skills etc.

All levels of users

Designed to support all users – from beginners to advanced

Wide ranges ages

Designed to support all users – from beginners to advanced

Various Games

Provide various Games and Activities

Flexible on number of applicant

Can enjoy by individuals or with family and caregivers.


It is great for learning and my 6 and 12 year old like it! Great for teaching!

From Crystal Broomer

Teaching kids additions. It’s Perfect!

From Alex Livingstone

Easy to use. Great learning tool for kids.

From Crystal Domzs

“It was really fun. I love it!”

From Harlee Campbell

“I like the dealing with money. I like it !”

From Emily McCue

Learning from a Different Way.